🔟 Top 10 European VC Funds

🔟 Top 10 European VC Funds

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3 min read

May 10, 2022

Really interested about European VC ecosystem? You’re in the good place.

Today, I will design for you, a classic Top 10 Series A VC funds in Europe. It is a good occasion if you’re looking for renowned investors, a VC job/internship, or simply build and develop your network.

Locations: SF and London

Favorite food: DeepTech and Software

Locations: Palo Alto, New York, London, India and China

Favorite food: DeepTech and Software

Locations: Berlin and Munich

Favorite food: Consumer applications, B2B, SaaS, Logistics, Healthcare, AI and Blockchain

Locations: London, Stockholm and New York

Favorite food: Deeptech, Software, Consumer, B2B and medical hardware

Location: London

Favorite food: Deeptech and Software

Location: Paris

Favorite food: Deeptech and Software

Location: ZĂĽrich

Favorite food: Deeptech and Software

Location: Berlin

Favorite food: Deeptech, Software, Fintech and SaaS

Location: London

Favorite food: Deeptech, Software, Healtech, AI

Locations: Stockholm, Berlin and SF

Favorite food: Consumer applications, Deeptech, Software

by Matthis Dessus

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